Pune Branch was established in April 1962 with the number of members then just in few hundreds and students in about couple of thousands. The Branch has a Membership strength of more than 10000 Members, including 3500 Members from Industry and About 18,000 students.
Infrastructure Structure at Branch:
The ICAI BHAWAN is well equipped with all essential infrastructures viz. “CA. P.C. Parmar Auditorium” with state of art Audio-visual system and teleconferencing facility, the fully-furnished “CA. B.R. Pandit Conference Hall”, “CA. B. K. Khare Students’ Facilitation Centre” & full-fledged ITT Laboratories. The Branch could not have succeeded in this Endeavour without the valuable contributions from the CA fraternity and well-wishers in and around Pune, who generously donated for their “Mother’s House”.
The Branch strives to follow its industrious tradition in organizing the programs and activities round the year, and the ambit covers all the important segments such as finance, banking, co-operation, IFRS, Direct and Indirect taxation, Accounting Standards, Internal Audit, Soft skill and stress Management, CFO meet, industry specific programs etc., for the benefits of its professional, corporate members and students. The branch has its own Women Cell and WICASA. The branch has successfully arranged a number of National and Regional conferences for the members and students.